OpsCo is an accredited agency specializing in digital-publisher monetization services and holds the esteemed certification of being a Google Ad Manager 360 Platform Partner.

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We proudly serve as the exclusive reseller and support team for Google Ad Manager 360, exclusively catering to the esteemed members of the Local Media Consortium. This consortium comprises 5,000 newspaper, radio, TV, and online-only news outlets, each owned by over 100 local media companies operating in prominent markets across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

OpsCo extends its reach by offering programmatic services from top-tier demand partners to over 1,000 websites created in the United States and Canada.

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OpsCo is a Google Ad Manager 360 Platform Partner, providing that platform and support to qualified publishers in the U.S. and Canada.

Our Google- and IAB-certified staff provides ad-fulfillment labor, personalized support for Google Ad Manager 360, taxonomy design and implementation, error-free platform migrations and consolidations, as well as automated multi-market ad-data reporting production and distribution.

mobile opsco accordion arrowYIELD.

OpsCo is the home of The Publisher's Exchange private programmatic marketplace. Our YieldLift service combines top-tier demand sources into a fully-managed, optimized monetization solution; and YieldLift's ActiveFill applies premium demand to lower-end inventory for maximized yield as a 100% fill solution.

We provide all of our yield clients with unified reporting, accurate financial statements, and consolidated payments.-tier demand sources with a fully-managed, optimized monetization solution.

mobile opsco accordion arrowDATA.

OpsCo helps publishers implement and manage first-party data strategies in the emerging cookieless world.

We provide data reporting on campaigns, earnings and publisher payments; and we help clients develop data management plans, evaluate DMPs, set data policies, and manage ROI from their ongoing data operations.